Thank you guys for checking in every week and for taking a minute to pray for us as we try to advance the kingdom of God in Uganda.
This last week we did show Facing the Giants at movie night and we went to Bugungu prison and played volleyball with the prisoners. We ended up playing four games, that’s what we had time for. The end had us tied two to two. We all agreed that Jesus won! We had a great time, I’m so glad they were able to host us.
John and Rebecca are still here this week. We took them on a cruise down the Nile River to see where it starts. I did post a video on social media about this. We’ve had a lot of rain lately and there was a chunk of land that broke off. That land was floating faster than we were down the river! Check that out on Facebook or Instagram if you want to see.
This week we also had a brainstorming meeting to talk about what are some ways that we can reach out to people who are hard-hearted. Those who don’t want to talk about the Lord anymore. Today, if you could be praying for us, we are going to try a pop-up concert. This is where we just show up in the middle of town during rush hour and we play some songs, share a five minute message and then leave. We also are, in a couple weeks, going to try a scale outreach. Everybody here wants to know what they weigh but nobody owns a scale. We’ve got some scales though. We plan to go to the middle of town and let people weigh themselves as we talk to them about the Lord and being wonderfully and beautifully made. Hopefully it’ll be something that will speak to people’s hearts and they will come to the church to learn more.
The school of ministry has four weeks left before the year 2 is over. Csn you believe it?!? It’s going by quicky. Prayers for them to finish well.
Coming up, every 10 years there’s a census here. That’s happening this year May 9th to 19th. We’ll have to see how that affects us with the school.
In a couple weeks is the round table again and we don’t have a topic this time. We’re going to have an open mic where people can get up and ask whatever question they want. Prayers for the men at table answering those questions and that people would come and get those burning questions answered.
That is what is going on. Thank you guys for praying and I’ll talk to you next week. God bless.

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Pictured: John Chitwood answering questions from SOM students